Are you a dedicated businesswoman tirelessly juggling professional success with personal well-being? 

Are you a dedicated businesswoman tirelessly juggling professional success with personal well-being? It's time to put yourself first and embark on a transformative journey with our two-month self-care program.


Unlock Your Full Potential Professionally Through Self-Care ThatWorks For You

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The Empowered Her Wellness Program

It's time to put yourself first and embark on a transformative journey with our two-month self-care program.

count me in!

Running a business can be tough, right?

When you’re a solopreneur, at the helm of a small team, or in corporate, there are a seemingly endless number of tasks that need to be ticked off your To-Do List each day. That’s a given. And overtime you and your own well-being can sloooowly fall further and further down that list of priorities.

It’s true, I’ve been there: When you’re distracted and overworked in your business, building a regular self-care routine into your life can feel like an unattainable, airy-fairy, never-gonna-happen kinda dream. 

Maybe it’s not your business but your health that is holding you back!

Feeling stuck in your business?

  • eating healthier
  • snapping up the snazzy gym membership
  • taking the every-so-often afternoon off to unplug

If you’re like me, I know you’ve set out to “take care of yourself better” many times by...

Don’t get
me wrong...

Don’t get me wrong...

  • Someday I’ll take better care of myself- when my business/career takes off
  • Someday I’ll eat healthier- when this launch is over/I get that promotion
  • Someday I’ll exercise more- when I don’t have to put in so many hours
  • Someday I’ll ___________________ (you fill in the gap)

Yet time and time again you seem to fall back into your same old unhealthy habits saying….

In the words Of John Maxwell: 

Some Day is No Day.

If you’re saying things like...

“I’ll just have Muffin for breakfast. No time for anything healthy.”
“OMG, I’m so tired. Is it lunchtime yet?”
“I deserve a treat. I’ll start my smoothies again tomorrow.”

You know you’re not making healthy choices, resulting in a downhill spiral. 

It’s easy for health to take a seemingly permanent back seat as you work extra hard (and extra hours) to grow your business/career. 

Spending way too many hours on your business – and not enough on your personal life and self-care – is the fast-track to burnout.

and The bad news?

But listen: You are not alone. 

For many entrepreneurs & career women, it’s not the workload that makes us fall off the health wagon. Instead, it’s the feelings we have around our work – like the overwhelming feeling that you’re never off duty; the harrowing guilt that comes up when you try to step away from your business; and the never-ending pressure to achieve and succeed – which becomes overwhelming and stressful. 

Which means we can’t simply reduce our workload or start saying no to more clients (although those are nice first steps).

Instead, you actually have to take the focus off work altogether and seriously start making yourself – your physical, emotional and spiritual self – a serious priority.

It’s Not the Amount of Work We Do that Causes Burnout!

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The good news? There IS a way to get back on track and achieve the stress-free, joy-filled, expansive-feeling business and lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about. 

You just need to take active steps to change your self-care habits.

It’s Hard Enough to Grow a Thriving Business - But Even Harder When You Don’t Have the Energy to Get To Do It!

Meet Michele

Your Coach

I know that you're busy and the last thing you need is someone pointing a finger at you telling you to do this and do that without showing you why you should be doing those things and why doing those things are going to elevate your health and wellness, thus greatly impacting your business/career’s bottom line.

I've been on the receiving end of that finger, so I can confidently say that the missing piece of the puzzle for you to up level your health and wellness and put it full steam ahead is not having the right resources and community of women to learn and scale your health with...and I have some great news for you — The Empowered Her Wellness Program is here to do just that.


I was UNHAPPY with my past self-care plan

I felt LOST at where to begin

I felt CONFUSED by all the health misinformation out there


Here’s what a lot of our clients said before they come to coach with us:

I don’t have enough time to focus on my health

I was tired of feeling UNHEARD from health professionals

I felt ALONE in my health struggle

I felt STUCK in a cookie cutter health plan

I learned to prioritize my health and wellbeing

I felt CONFIDENT in getting accurate health information

I became PROACTIVE with myr present and future health

I Become EMPOWERED to make my own health decisions

This is what they said
after they completed the program:

In 2 months

Feel Vibrant in your health

Be Heard by a health 

Feel renewed with a health

Feel                  in your health
Be                 by a health professional
Feel                   with a health plan-of-action




Michele, because of your valuable time and through your wellness program I now have a better mindset and tools to implement a successful wellness program within my busy lifestyle that consists of a weekly workout routine, weight loss, eating much less sugar, and a selfcare program that I look forward to. Thank you for being available, reliable, knowledgeable, kindhearted and a blessing to know and work with!

-Celeste D.

Celeste found her confidence

“Now I have a better mindset and tools to implement a successful wellness program!”

what people are saying / 

The Empowered Her Wellness Program
 will give you the tools you need to really look at your day to day self-care and show you how when applied daily all areas of your life will benefit.

When you understand what to focus on daily with your health and devise a self-care plan that works for you, not only will your business soar but your entire life will flourish. 

The Empowered Her Wellness Program
 will give you the tools you need to really look at your day to day self-care and show you how when applied daily all areas of your life will benefit. When you understand what to focus on daily with your health and devise a self-care plan that works for you, not only will your business soar but your entire life will flourish. 

What if two months from now, your health life could look entirely different?

Are you ready for things to finally change?

Apply now

- Jody M.

Michele was the push I needed to get my self-care back on the front burner and by doing so I had so much more energy to put into my business. 

Apply now!

Make REAL time for the things you want and the people and activities that are important to you.

Nurture your emotional well-being and safeguard against emotional burnout by setting firm boundaries (finally!)

Create a strong and healthy body, so you have the much-needed energy and stamina to grow a thriving business.

Start taking care of ALL of you: mind, body, and spirit, so you can transform your life and business (and feel happier and more successful, too). Don’t worry, you don’t need a lot of time in order to see incredible results! 

This program is for you if you want to:

If you truly want to see your business/career efforts pay off then you need to truly care for your mind, body, and spirit and feel the real benefits of a healthy, well-rested body and mind sparkling with creativity and joy…..

The Empowered Her Wellness Program



There is a solution.

Know exactly what to do the next time you feel overwhelmed with work and feel like you don’t have enough time for your health to be front and center in your life. 

During the final transformation weeks you will learn strategies that will help you to continue to soar in your wellness journey and beyond:

During the reset weeks you will learn what you need to reset in order to promote overall wellness for long term health success:

During the basic weeks you will Learn some of the basic health fundamentals to help you build a solid health foundation on:

Your 2-Month Transformation

The Details

With our self-paced online course

Start your application here

  • Mindset for Powerful Results
  • Gratitude - and why it's important for your health
  • Gut Health

  • Fueling Your Body
  • Foods and Habits to Boost Your Energy
  • Hormone Health 101

  • Exercise Strategies for Maximum Success
  • Stress
  • Self-Care

Your course includes:

  • Easy, digestible weekly online modules delivered via email
  • Every other week 1:1 coaching call with Michele
  • Private Facebook group with extra value added bonuses
  • Monthly email support if needed above the 1:1 calls

Are you ready to take your health and business to a whole new level?

Put your health roadmap into action and dive into the modules for further understanding of the core fundamentals that you need to put into play to maximize your health.

Step 3: Witness the Results

Once your application has been approved it's time to order your individual labs and analyze the results. Please note labs are an additional cost and not included in the price of the program.

Step 2: Sign into Your Program

Your transformation begins with a simple application process. We want to get to know you better – your goals, aspirations, and challenges. This is a crucial step to ensure that our program aligns with your needs and sets you up for success.

Step 1: Apply

Your Empowerment Journey in 3 Simple Steps

I want to apply!

How it Works

This Course is for you if... 

on the fence?

  • You struggle to balance your work responsibilities and personal commitments

  • You want to learn strategies to enhance your productivity and effectiveness 

  • You're ready to prioritize your mental, emotional, and physical health 

  • You need guidance on setting healthy boundaries and saying "no"

  • You are unwilling to make any changes to your current lifestyle 

  • You are looking for quick fixes or shortcuts

  • You are not open to self-reflection and personal growth

  • You are not willing to invest time and energy into learning and practicing self-care strategies

This course is not for you if...

Scroll through to see the program highlights 

Discover how to strike the perfect balance between work and self-care.

Michele will guide you through practical techniques to prioritize tasks effectively, leaving you with more time for what truly matters.

Balance and Prioritization

Program highlights

view next —

Say goodbye to burnout and hello to a stress-resilient you.

Learn proven strategies to manage stress, stay calm under pressure, and maintain a clear, focused mind.

Stress Management

Program highlights

view next —

Cultivate mindfulness practices that enhance your decision-making abilities, boost creativity, and foster a positive mindset.

Experience the power of mental clarity in propelling your business forward.

Mindfulness and Mental Clarity

Program highlights

view next —

Your well-being starts from within.

Our fitness and nutrition modules are tailored to fit your busy schedule, ensuring you have the energy and vitality to conquer your goals.

Physical Vitality

Program highlights

view next —

Strengthen your self-confidence and assertiveness, both in the boardroom and in life.

Develop the skills to communicate your needs effectively and stand tall as an empowered leader.

Confidence and Empowerment

Program highlights

view next —

Connect with like-minded businesswomen in a supportive community. Share experiences, exchange insights, and build valuable relationships that extend beyond the program.

Networking and Support

Program highlights

I have always been on the health conscious side of things. When I started working with Michele, I had become so busy at work and things had definitely shifted as far as my hormones, stress levels and metabolism. Michele helped me make small shifts that helped me ease into this new phase of life, feeling energized and supported. Wherever you are at in your health journey, you will find Michele non-judgmental, knowledgeable, and supportive.

- Daneen

Daneen Felt energized & supported!

“Michele helped me make small shifts that helped me ease into this new phase of life!”

what people are saying / 

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with The Empowered Her Wellness Program, you will experience:

  • Enhanced overall well-being, leading to increased energy, improved focus, and higher productivity in your professional endeavors. 

  • Valuable tools to handle challenges effectively, fostering a healthier work-life balance and greater satisfaction in all aspects of life. 

  • Feeling empowered to thrive in both your career and personal relationships, creating a fulfilling and successful life long health journey.

are you READY?

- Cindy H. 

By going through this program and learning to become my own Self-Care Hero I was able to restore my health, feel more energetic and vibrant in my body and this led to an increase in my overall work performance. 

The time has come to invest in yourself – the driving force behind your business. Join The Empowered Her Wellness Program and redefine success on your terms. Take the first step towards a more balanced, confident, and fulfilled life.

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Ready to Get Started?

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Submit your application today, and once it's approved, seize the opportunity to pay in full and save while simplifying your journey. 

One-time Payment



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Ready for a more flexible payment option? After your application gets the thumbs up, you'll have the chance to select the 2-payment plan.

2 payments



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Empower your well-being. Elevate your business. Embrace your journey.

Imagine a life where your professional achievements and personal well-being are in perfect harmony. Are you ready to step into your power as an empowered businesswoman and prioritize your own success, both inside and outside the boardroom?

Let's do this!