#107 Thyroid Health
The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the lower front side of your neck and is involved in so many complex processes that take place inside your body. It affects your health in so many ways.
· It plays a crucial part in controlling your metabolism, regulating your body temperature and for energy production.
· It also has an enormous influence on your mood and emotions.
· It is also involved in your body’s fat and bone metabolism.
· Your cholesterol and triglycerides, gallbladder and liver functions and your body’s fat-burning capability are also influenced by how well your thyroid gland functions.
In today’s show we are talking all about how this tiny but mighty gland works, what other systems can play havoc on it and how it can play havoc on those same symptoms in return.
Then I’m giving you a whole list of daily things that you can do to help promote the health of your thyroid gland, whether or not you have a thyroid issue.
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