Today I had the privilege of interviewing Melainie Rogers, an Eating Disorder Registered Dietician and the founder of BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center in New York City. She is all about empowering women to beat eating disorders and love themselves and their bodies.

We had a great discussion on:

What is the difference between disordered eating and an eating disorder.

In what ways can social media impact body image?

Why diets don’t work-can y’all give me an amen-and what’s the alternative?

She recently launched and published Redefining Wellness: The Ultimate Diet Free Guide, a free e-book that contains contributions from 150 experts.

You can find her on Twitter @MelainieRogers and online at  
Check it out and let me know what you think. Follow us and send me a DM on instagram @wellwomennetwork   If you’d like to continue this conversation leave me a comment here on this page or better yet join me in my closed facebook group: Well Women Network 360.      If you enjoyed this episode would you take a quick minute and leave us a rating and review over on ITUNES.  

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PODCAST #82 Eating Disorders Vs. Disordered Eating Knowing The Difference