Well Women
Healthy Lifestyle

The Well Women Healthy Lifestyle Podcast is a weekly show produced by Well Women Network and hosted by a Certified Nurse Practitioner , Michele Broad.




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Episode 86: Understanding Cervical Cancer Screening

Date: January 27, 2020

In honor of January being Cervical Cancer Screening Month, I thought I’d gather the most frequent questions I get asked about this topic along with the popular ones the The American College Of Obstetrics and Gynecology gets and answer them here for you today.

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Episode 85: Healthy Self-Discipline

Date: January 16, 2020

If you want to be successful and reach any of health goals or life goals for that matter, having a healthy self-discipline is the most crucial skill you will need to master. Frequently, the best choices aren’t the fastest, easiest, or most pleasant.

So, you must learn to exercise a high level of control over your emotions and behavior. Improving your ability to do what is best for you regardless of initial desire is the only way to make consistent progress in your health and in your life. As such, if self-disciple is your foundational skill, you grow more effective in everything you do.

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Episode 84: Kicking Off The New Year

Date: January 08, 2020

Wow, can you believe it’s 2020 and the start of a new decade? I don’t know about you but I am freakin excited about this year. I can’t say why because it’s just a feeling that I have in my bones. Do you ever get those feelings?

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Episode 83: Is Your Mind Bogged Down

Date: December 09, 2019

Most women have so much on their minds already and this time of year can especially make mental fatigue worse.

In today’s show I talk to you about having a bogged down mind and what are some easy tips that you can do to slow it down and help it become uncluttered.

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Episode 82: Eating Disorders Vs. Disordered Eating Knowing The Difference

Date: December 19, 2019

Today I had the privilege of interviewing Melainie Rogers, an Eating Disorder Registered Dietician and the founder of BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center in New York City. She is all about empowering women to beat eating disorders and love themselves and their bodies.

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