I try not to look at what’s happening in the marketplace. I focus on the inspiration, I nourish myself with beautiful books, music, travel and definitely going inward. There is a lot of noise in the marketplace, trends change, new products come out daily and I truly feel that this is the time when it’s vital to stay connected to our truth and authenticity. I also know that what we focus on – expands. So I focus not on challenges of the marketplace but on exciting opportunities that are available. Tuning to what I want and being open to receive – this way marketplace becomes magical to me.
Travel. I love discovering new places, going to Italy always nourishes me. I also like watching a beautiful movie or dancing jazz and indulging a delicious glass of red wine.
ABOUT Daria Jabenko is a Toronto based brand designer, her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan, Elle, Madame, Condé Nast Germany, Hallmark, Papyrus, to name a few. For years, Daria has been traveling all around the world working for luxurious brands and stores decorations. By incorporating all this experience, Daria launched Miss Chic n’ Beautiful – where she creates chic branding for women entrepreneurs to make their businesses sparkle with uniqueness and authenticity by creating luxurious hand-drawn animations and branding packages. She also launched her brand of silk scarves Daria DiCieli which empowers women to follow their dreams and love themselves the way they are. Her designs exude luxury and joie de vivre (joys of life).