When it comes to health and wellness, it typically embodies physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral wellness. This is what makes up your “health” and overall wellbeing. With emotional wellness, it is all about your emotions, feelings, and many of your thoughts.
This includes how you handle your emotions after various events in your life and your ability to bounce back from challenges, as well as how much negative things in your life affect you.
Someone with good emotional health can handle their emotions, no matter what life throws at them. It does not mean you never experience stress or negative emotions, but that you have a much better coping mechanism and a better awareness of what you are thinking and feeling at any given time.
In today’s show we explore:
Signs of Good Emotional Health
What Can Negatively Affect Your Emotional Wellbeing
How Your Emotional Wellbeing Affects Different Parts of Your Life
And Lastly we talk about.. Natural Remedies for Improved Emotional Health
Episodes also mentioned in this episode: Episode 165
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