Reading Time: 2 minutes
So here we are at the end of February, how are your New Year’s health resolutions going? You know it is easy to get off track but it is just as easy to get right back on track and today’s message is about doing just that.
If you haven’t fallen off track then that is awesome and I am over hear giving you a great big virtual hug and high five. If you have no worries and I am over here giving you a big virtual hug as well. I do not believe in beating oneself up over anything. My motto is tomorrow is another day.
Today I wanted to talk with you about how do you go about implementing changes to your healthcare plan. I recorded a short clip about 9 minutes so if you don’t have time right now to listen to it please come back and listen later.
The message is 4 simple steps:
1) Purposely set aside time: setting aside a time to write down what we want to change is so important and even more importantly is our “Why” we want to make that change. The stronger your why the more you will be committed to the process.
2) Make time to prepare: The better prepared you are the better success you will have. We are all so busy that if we don’t prepare chances are that if time is short our health will fall to the back of the line.
3) Have everything that you will need to make this change possible ready ahead of time: Time is so precious to us all and if you want to change your eating habits buy adding in more healthy choices you need to have those healthy choices readily available otherwise falling back to our old bad habits comes second nature.
4) Prepare your heart and your mind: I tell my clients all the time that you have to be mentally ready for change and if you are not then don’t start. It is better to wait then start something and not have your life ready to support you. No reason to set yourself up needlessly.
So grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the recording and please give me feedback
Here’s to your health being your greatest wealth asset
Blessings Michele