The Well Women Healthy Lifestyle Podcast is a weekly show produced by Well Women Network and hosted by a Certified Nurse Practitioner , Michele Broad.
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Date: September 04, 2019
If you are wondering what brain fog is, it’s basically just the opposite of when you feel calm, optimistic, level-headed and motivated. Even the medical world has not recognized this ‘condition’ as a real, specific health condition – in medical literature; brain fog is usually described as a ‘mild cognitive impairment’. And coffee doesn’t help!
Date: August 27, 2019
In today’s show I just sat down and grab the mike and started talking about some things that have been on my heart. Namely excuses and procrastination and why we have them when it comes to our health.
Date: August 20, 2019
In today’s show I am exploring natural ways that you can boost your energy and balance your hormones. A lot of the natural things that you can do to help increase your energy in a good way are also really great ways to help get your hormones balanced.
Date: August 14, 2019
Today we are starting our much anticipated hormone series. How can you trust me to know what I am talking about? Well, I have a subspecialty in all things hormonal. I have suffered from hormonal issues myself and I have helped 100’s of women just like you get back to hormonal balance.
Date: August 07, 2019
Today I am diving into one of the hottest, most controversial topics going around right now and that is around the topic of body positivity.
If you think it’s about weight then you’d be wrong my friend, because It is so much more than that. As a women’s health coach I sat on the fence with this topic for sometime, because as much as I do want you to be a healthy weight, body positivity is about feeling whole and complete just as you are as a woman.