The Well Women Healthy Lifestyle Podcast is a weekly show produced by Well Women Network and hosted by a Certified Nurse Practitioner , Michele Broad.
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Date: January 16, 2019
2018 is over, so was it a fair, good, very good, or excellent year? What you choose I believe is seen from how you embraced it. Attitude my friend is everything.
Date: January 15, 2019
In today’s episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Sugar Addiction and Empowerment Coach Jenn Eden and we dove into some great questions and had a great discussion on:
Her personal journey with sugar addiction and how she got from there to where she is today empowering people to kick the sugar habit.
Date: January 02, 2019
The Best Project To Work On Is Yourself
Well, ladies, this marks the last episode for 2018 and for season 2. In today’s episode, I wanted to talk with you about how to plan your 2019 health strategy goals and come up with a winning game plan for you.
Date: January 02, 2019
As the holidays get closer, you feel an overwhelming feeling of joy knowing what they bring. You will get to spend more time with your family, hopefully, be able to take some time off work, and participate in your annual traditions that occur around this time. Unfortunately, another thing that tends to happen every year during the holiday season is dealing with weight gain.
Date: December 09, 2018
Self-care should be a year around thing that we as business practice but changing it up in the fall has many benefits and in today’s episode I am taking a deep dive with you into those reasons.